This is so exciting for me! I am going to be interviewed by my favorite, Willow of
Life at Willow Manor. I will answer her five questions and then I will invite you, my blog friends, to be interviewed as well. The instructions are at the end of this post.
1. What one thing most fuels your creativity?
If it were just one thing then I might then turn it on or off but it's everything in my world...it all seams to ignite my creativity. My imagination, the natural world, ancient history, my dreams, my spiritual inquiries ,all speak to me and urge me to self expression.
2. How long have you been painting and what spurred you to start?
I began in kindergarten at the easel with poster paints. As an adult I would take art classes, craft classes and later college courses and workshops. I studied other artists and I painted. My family spurred me on, as my father was an artisan, my mother and sister taught me how to use my dreams and imagination. All my life my mother insisted on dream recall and discussion. My sister had a childhood game of imagining whole lives in our minds, sitting very still and living in another realm. My first husband encouraged me to rent studio space and in the 80"s take my art to the next level. I've always had friends and support groups for encouragement.
3. How did you and Pablo meet?
My name on Yahoo personals was "leap o faith". Yes, Pablo and I met on the Internet. We began as strangers meeting for coffee at a coffeehouse in Santa Cruz and after two hours talking , we moved on to dinner. We met in Jan and we began living together in June. I had been a widow from a 26 year marriage and he ended a 34 year marriage...we were looking for our last best love. I will get his permission to post his poem about our first meeting.
4. If you could chose just one historical figure to have dinner with, who would it be and why?
Wouldn't it be great to ride in a wealthy caravan on the Silk Road?! A caravan with Marco Polo! I would like to step into that time, walk and ride with the pampered women, wearing silk and gold. The music, colors of the tents, fire torches, wine...I would eat the delicious food, listen to the stories, I would see first hand the craftsmanship of the time and be there to witness the great religions being born.
5. What do you consider your greatest extravagance?
I have lived a gifted life, receiving gifts of rings, stayed in a castle in Austria, ate wild extravagant dinners in both New York and LA but they were gifts, extravagant but gifts. My greatest extravagant gift to myself was to buy for cash a small home here in Santa Cruz...all mine! On a lighter note, I bathe everyday only with Vita Bath for the past 30 years. It is a European shower gel $100 for 128 oz. and it feels wonderful everyday!
If you would like to be interviewed by me, leave me a note in the comment section. Give me a day or two to send you 5 questions. Read below!
Here's the instructions:
1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me".
2.I will respond by emailing you five questions. (I get to pick the questions).
3. You will update your blog with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.
art work is a mixed media collage inspired from a vivid dream.