Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Deliverance 1

This is my first effort with my compass collagraph collage. Rives BFK, measures 16" x 16", acrylic, compass stamp, collage and oil pastel. I was having so much fun and then I noticed the piece was getting dark and then too dark for me. I went into rescue mode with a scrubbing of Phthalo blue and white and I think it now has an underwater feel or maybe an outer space motif. I have decided to stop and start on two smaller pieces for tomorrows agenda, using more of the collagraphs. Click on image to see more detail.
Pablo is out of town for a few days and I'm really putting in the studio time. I'm eating light...even have some take-out planned for later in the week.
There is this wonderful cafe called the Dharma and they have an American saute that is sensational...so fresh. What is your favorite take-out dish? Our Whole Foods has some scrumptious deli dishes...it's amazing what is out there and fully prepared!


  1. If Pizza is a takeout dish then it is my fave (because it's Ted's fave.) Lovely compass art. If I were lost I would be able to find my way home with it. :)

  2. Oh, wow!! I REALLY like this one. The composition and colors are so nice. Keep that compass handy!

  3. oh look at this - I love the circles laid out on the grid - really wonderful again and your colors of course I love!

  4. Apon closer inspection and also, introspection, I see an eyeball with a partial compass. That is wonderful. I like how the eye can play mental games with the painting.
    I like El Pollo Loco or in a pinch Trader Joe's frozen.

  5. Love the depth of the background & the balance and colors The compass inspiration is fantastic. Looking forward to seeing where this takes you.

  6. Sometimes we do dueling soups - Hot & Sour for the hubby and War Wonton for me. Especially good if I have a cold.
    Jean said what I was thinking..."I love the circles laid out on the grid - really wonderful again and your colors of course I love!"
    I just don't know how you get the most amazing colors, but you do.

  7. Pizza is the best...Ted's favorite from the past had loads of meat, sausage, pepperoni!
    You are never lost with a good compass! ha

    Willow, I'm so glad this is a favorite for you. The idea of a compass has me captivated.

    Jeane, Thank you...the photo is lighter than the actual piece...I like the grid too.

  8. Pat, I don't see the eye but then that might be why I need a compass!
    I agree with you on both places...El Pollo loco is the best chicken place!

    Kim, The background was giving me fits but I too see the depth of water or space. I wonder myself where I might go...sometimes I start and stop and restart an image.

    Karen, Those soups sound magical...and healing!
    I have been using the same limited color palette for years...I mix my own variations.

  9. Sometimes it is great to have take out, and avoid the whole food prep cycle. More time for the studio. We choose Tai food usually. Looking forwrd to seeing where the compass circles will take you.

  10. These collagraph collage prints are wonderful! Keep going!

  11. Anything I don't have to cook or clean up after is my favorite take-out.
    This is a wonderful piece,,,the compass is very 'telling' isn't it? A guide,,,,looks to me like you're following it well!
    A few days alone is always nice for studio time. Only the interruptions that we, ourselves make. Enjoy yours!

  12. Absolutely love "Deliverance 1". Great work.

  13. Leslie, I love most take out...chicken satay is a winner here!
    Compass circles are taking me to my journal and I believe more printmaking.

    Elizabeth, Thank you and I will go with the compass for as long as possible.

    Mary, Thank you. It's a whole package for me, compass = direction with personal imagery and connection to memories and future hopes. I make myself tired! ha

  14. My first take on this piece was "outer space." I love the mystery of it.

  15. gorgeous, the combination of ruled grid with circles. and the colours are quite meaningful for this contrast as well. really lovely!

  16. San, I so appreciate your comments on this piece...I see space too!

    Luisa, Thank you so much...this grid and circle and compass has me excited!

