Friday, August 26, 2011

"Hope Realized"

18"18" Rives BFK, molding paste, stencil, collograph, water based inks, acrylic, oil pastel and collage.

"Hope Realized" is about the countless sacred hopes, wishes, wants, desires and prayers. How many times have I whispered a hope from simple to complex? A question came up in my journal...Do we have a lifetime allotment of wishes and if so is there a catalog, a tracking system? A daunting task by an unseen force? I've thought about my hopes realized and easily believe I have received a generous blessing of answered wishes and prayers. In this piece I used these awkward shaped collographed bottles in a row and added a rather large one below...filled to the brim and tightly sealed. Also noticing the space and time and energy between speaking, thinking, wanting and even forgetting. How the energy returns in beautiful ways...a phone call, a wrong turn, perfect information read, heard or overheard. Ways are found, doors are opened, roads leading directly and indirectly but one thing for sure...I believe hopes are powerful and are heard!
Next effort will be  "Hope Deferred".


  1. I always come over here to check out your paintings and your posts though my fingers may not type all the time =) Your works are really inspiring and I especially love this post ! Hope is all I have !

  2. Beautiful painting and thoughts - hopes & blessings received - so well described in your painting and your post.

  3. What a beautiful painting. Vessels full of secret hopes, or realised hopes? They look magic, and I love the background full of marks and signs.
    If we give up hope, we might as well give up life. Although I noticed that quite often good things happen I never hoped for (or so secretly that I was not conscious about them?).

  4. these images of bottles are just wonderful Mary Ann and yes! hope! it's like breathing to me xo

  5. the colors and imprints are great. i dont find the bottles awkward, but so creative and evocative. the words you write about your thoughts too are so interesting and inspiring. a wonderful series.

  6. What a beautiful meaning for a painting Mary Ann. I agree with Suki I find the bottle shapes very intriguing.

  7. Strange how certain objects call out to be held. I don't know if it's the chunkiness of the bottles but I have this strong feeling to hold one in my hands. Yes, I'm sure hopes have power and I enjoyed reading your thoughts behind this piece Mary Ann.

  8. Love the quiet optimism in your words.

  9. There are some of those wonderful printed bottles full of hope realized! (I got to see them in person!) As always, love how you paint your thoughts, feelings, memories and - hope. Layers and images, texture and collage - from the inside out.

  10. Different sizes and contents; hopes stored like precious scents in handmade bottles, stored in a row on the shelf of memory. Some bottled-up hopes sit dusty and all-but forgotten on the back shelf of consciousness until one day, a seeming accident knocks one over, and it's intoxicating perfume spills out to entrance us once more. Then there are those bottles that, once unstoppered, release only the faint odor of abandonned wishes, making us wonder, "Why?"

    Another beautifully textured piece, layered in rich colours and depth of meaning.

  11. Lovely painting, Mary Ann; strong in color and form and rich in title. We could all send more time in the hope realized place.

  12. I think this one is my favorite of yours so far. Wonderful!

  13. Regina, I'm glad to know you visit often and thank you for your kind comment!

    Art, Thank you for your thoughtful words!

    Judy, We all have such good fortune in the span of a lifetime...glad you like this piece.

    Sue, Thank you...good to receive with a note of surprise!

    Jeane, Hope is big on any given studio day! Thanks!

    Suki, Thank you...I was thinking the shapes awkward as I cut them from matt board using a big utility knife...awkward for sure.

    Leslie, Thanks so much...hope is what keeps the ducks happy in the pond we all share!

    Robyn, It wasn't until I read your comment that I also wanted to hold these little bottles...thank you for seeing their magic.

    Annie, Thank you...I seem to be getting out of my darker thoughts and seeing things in a more optimistic way...finally!

    Deena, You have the advantage or disadvantage of seeing my work in it's raw form...full of first starts and hope!

    Louciao, Your words are beautifully pleasure to have them connected to this image. Thank you.

    Maggie, Thank you...nature has a way of reminding us of hopes realized...your photos of Vermont have been inspirational.

    Tess, Thank you for this high praise...we have been sharing creative life here on blogland for quite some time...thank you again.

  14. The painting is so sensitive, color and form. Andyour words do express how I go through life. Getting out of a car, seeing a flower, anything can inspire that softly expressed hope. I do feel your words.

  15. i see relationship and loving colors merging in hues.

  16. I am really liking your new series that combine wonderful images with your personal meanings. Your little wish jars are just perfect!

  17. I very much enjoy the shapes of the bottles- not awkward, but unique and full of life. I agree with Robyn- I have an impulse to hold them; they have a real presence. The meaning you reveal makes the piece even more symbolic and evocative.

  18. Your paintings are always amazing to me. I really love your repeated shapes. And their strength. Wishing you another creative day tomorrow! roxanne

