Thursday, August 16, 2012

Recurring Dream 2

15"x16", paper, oil, cold wax, photo collage, iridescent bronze oil stick.
I'm from a family of big night time dreamers. I'm the actor, I'm the director and they all seem to be memorable and important! I've read dream books and they haven't been helpful in breaking this dreamers code.
Elephants come and go in my dreams. I was very impressed with a movie "Elephant Walk" when I was a little girl and I feel love and sadness and even admiration for their family network. I met this elephant at one of those Animal/Sea World parks and for a brief moment we had what seemed like a sorrowful eye contact. I photographed this elephant several times but never captured what I felt. I had it enlarged in B&W and then hand colored the background in order to rid the image of the elephant's handler in a T-shirt. The numbers below spell out dream....4 for D, 18 for R, 5 for E and so on and on. Does anyone what to share their recurring dream...characters, places?
UPDATE:  good news....I sold "Heat & Smoke"! I like when that happens!


  1. i never have recurring dreams.
    Elephants are empowered tenderness, memory, care and Power for me. I dreamed of a group of them once and their legs became the pillars of a sacred temple. WOKE feeling amazing and it lasted for a month.

    Love what you do here with the letters and the code to alphabet.

    Beautiful weather here.

    1. mansuetude, Sounds like more than a dream...a blessing of sorts!
      Today is a beautiful summer beach visitors are in their glory!

  2. magical to keep dreaming of elephants. my recurring dreams tend to be returns to houses i have lived in.

    1. Suki, Me too! I'm actually working on a piece about my other recurring dream...houses I've known. I'm going to get out the dream book again!

  3. I have heard that symbols in dreams are quite personal and I imagine this is why the dream books never quite hit the mark for you. Only you can interpret them.

    I haven't had them for a while but in the past I've had recurring dreams about driving a car which seem quite transparent to me, sometimes the steering wheel comes off in my hand or the brakes don't work, or I'm driving from the backseat, at times the car has jumped over water and sometimes it's on some foggy road in some strange landscape.

    1. Oh, my, what an amazing driving dream! I have had a dream where I drive into a fire or drive smack into a mountain but driving from the back seat and then no brakes or steering do we survive these night travels! ha
      I agree dreams are symbols or code that clearly interpret OUR personal state or situations.
      I plan on painting two more of my recurring dreams!

  4. I don't think I've dreamt of an elephant. For a time I was keeping a book of my dreams, and really getting a lot of insights into things that were going on in my subconscious...never with any sort of satisfying resolution, however. Now I have trouble remembering them when I wake up, though I often feel that I've been revisiting a familiar scene or place. My favourites are the ones when I meet up with someone who loves me. I awake glowing with well being, but wish I could just return immediately to that dream.

    Your painting/collage seems very mysterious and a little bizarre, just like a dream--but also very warm and loving. Great how very personal it is for you.

    1. Oh drat, it is so easy to get on with the day and forget the dream...writing down does seem to be the way to keep them. Understanding them is quite another thing!
      Yes, to the piece being a little bizarre! I've had elephants parade through my dreams like a Felini movie, or just show up in other odd ways!

  5. Flying - as in I'm flying. Flying in my dreams is kind of like swimming through the air. I don't flap my arms as you would iamgine a bird does to stay aloft, no, it's more of a breast-stroke for me. Simply fabulous! I fee so absolutely free in these dreams. I haven't had one since I moved into my little downtown house in December. Hmmm...I've been missing those flying dreams.
    Love this piece MaryAnn and you got us all thinking. :-)

    1. I like the flying/swimming dream...maybe they will return once you get settled in to the new home? They say if you ask for a dream and put a paper and pencil by your bed you will dream an interesting dream? I have birds eye views but not with wings or flying..

