Tuesday, November 12, 2013

"Temple Cloth 08b"

9"x13", hand strung fringe, seed beads, embroidery, machine stitching, fabric markers, screen printed cloth, painted cotton.
This little piece has worked as a sample for my fringe beading lessons. The needles are so thin and fringe is created by stringing the beads through the needle and then turning around and threading back through the same beads? I had no idea! I used pieces of small stones which made my fringe making all the more challenging. The mark making is becoming important to me with each cloth and I'm feeling more and more like I'm cataloging, or preparing these fragments for restoration ... metaphorically speaking!! The three odd squares came from a screen printing on loose netting and the all over combination of reds and yellows gives the cloth an 'on fire' appearance to me. I've already started my next cloth and this time my palette with change to grays and whites. It is a screen print on burlap and I'm hoping to heavily bead the surface ... beads, beads and more beads!
Today is our 7th wedding anniversary ... time is just flying by! We are exchanging cards and going out to dinner. We both are embarrassed to admit we completely forgot to celebrate last year. We didn't even remember until several weeks after the day. Maybe it is a good sign?


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you so much Connie Rose and thanks for stopping by!

  2. this is just delicious with color and texture - always something so interesting cooking here Mary Ann xo

    1. Jeane, The last fire of autumn in those colors...thank you! This fabric and stuff is that combining of new skills with the place of art making...creating in narrow places for sure!

  3. This piece feels sacred and I like your thought of "preparing these fragments for restoration". Enjoy the beading process in your next piece. I find beading is a meditative practice when I incorporate it into my carvings.

    1. Robyn, Feels good that you easily see this sacredness I have been trying. Beading ... on a highlight with wood or fabric ... like stars!

  4. Replies
    1. Sue, Thank you for stopping by and big encouraging words! Visit anytime!

  5. I'm loving these stitched pieces, Mary Ann, and the textures of the fabrics looks fantastic! I know what you mean about beading needles; I used to be in a middle eastern dance (bellydance) troupe, and worked on many beaded costumes. Now I just break needles by trying to push them through book covers! How are your fingers surviving?

    1. Sharmon, Middle Eastern Dance Troupe ... how exciting! Sewing beads can knot up the fingers ... I take my time and work in spurts for short intervals. Your stitches on those book covers are wonderful!

