Friday, November 30, 2012


10"x12", black satin, gelatin overprint, gold, silver, navy iridescent metallic threads, gold trim. It began with this very shiny, very black satin cloth from my scrap box. Placing the gelatin over print image of a menorah asked for some brightness. So as I sifted through my threads I found gold, silver and a navy blue iridescent. I used a variety of stitches,,,,a 3 stitch flower or in this case a star, french knots, blanket stitch and satin stitch for the gold candles.I added the gold trim on the bottom as a last touch. I was going to use fringe but it looked rather like an add on or after thought. I liked it so much I put it into a frame and it has an illumination that really marks, for me, the menorah and the Hanukkah holiday. Actually framing this piece began a complete revamping of my framed work in the house. I have spent a good bit of time refreshing my walls with more recent work and it has been a true spirit lifter!

Rain and more rain. I plan my trips out when we have some dry time. It's amazing how much can be done at, pay bills online, order items online! Today will be soup and studio work and more rain! Have a great weekend rain or shine!!

Friday, November 23, 2012

The Effects of Bleach

Assorted cotton fabrics with application of bleach....I used reg. bleach, Soft Scrub and dishwashing gel with mixed results. This photo is of my first attempt using a mix of colored fabrics with my handmade stamps and bought stencils. My second approach was with different and mostly dark fabrics but using same stamps and stencils. I've had some time to look at them and like or dislike the results. The gray and navy cotton bleached out to a pinkish color and I think I will overprint with fabric paints to give them some depth. So now I have a larger inventory to create some new samples. I'm still reading my book and watching my DVD of "Walking the Bible" and it speaks of and shows some wonderful biblical desert imagery. Like being an archaeologist without the heat and dirt! This past week I've been applying embroidery to a piece with metallic threads and that has been a challenge! I'm using old metallic threads from my scrap box and of course it hasn't been enough so  I've added to it by buying more? Now I have more metallic threads then before so my efforts to use what I have is a joke on me?!

Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We had a quiet dinner at home but last week celebrated with the neighborhood at a big dinner at our clubhouse...tons of good food and friendship. We have guest chefs (neighbors that want to take on the job of feeding 50-60people) ...this neighbor has cooked for years at his church and his wife is a nutritionist so together they pulled off a great night! We all pay a small price and have a clean up crew so the job is big but there is some help too.
 This evening we are going to the movies to see "Lincoln" !
Good art making days ahead!!!!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

"Morning Stars"

15" x 20", muslin, digital transfer, printed fabric, felt, stencil, silver embroidery, machine stitching and braided twine. This piece began with the cup. I discovered this ancient cup on the New York Metropolitan Museum Of Art site. This beautiful cup shaped and marked begs to be filled with steaming is timeless. Good design is always good. From the digital transfers of this cup I was drawn to my scrap of printed stars and mixed markings. Over the years I have found my morning coffee or tea to be an altar cloth. I no longer rush into the day and I almost never schedule appointments before 11a.m. I added a look of old by the worn fringes and the yellowed has taken me a lifetime to come to these precious mornings. This time holds a place of leaving my night dreams and as the stars flee the sky, I begin in peace, to move into the morning...sacred indeed.

I spent yesterday using bleaches of all varieties on cotton...quite an interesting adventure. I did it all outside and only a few spilled spots of bleach on the deck. It is a true mystery what bleaches and what colors the fabrics turn. It depends on the colors of dyes used in creating the fabric and again, plenty of surprises! I will spend one more day at this and then see how they might fit into this art making...still loving this fall and winter exploration of fabric and sewing!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Machaerus Fan

12" x 15" , acrylic, printed stamped cloth on paper fan, dyed cheesecloth handle and an addition of feathers.

I fondly remember watching those big biblical movies produced by Hollywood and almost always there was a handsome man off in the corner with a feathered fan, slowly fanning the king or queen  munching on their grapes! Recently my archeology magazine had an article on the mountaintop fortress Machaerus and sited it as the place of Salome's famous dance?!! So here is my fan using my stamped cloth...a tribute to hot nights, dancing and desert winds?!!!

Pleased to report I have overcome my sewing machine resistance. I had trouble with the automatic needle threader and spent a lot of time reading, rereading instructions but I now can say I have the basics. There are some fancy stitches I might want to try but I am most interested in using straight stitches in a free wheeling way as to create "line".

Has anyone tried the new silicone paint brushes in various sizes and colors? I am going to buy one today just to see how it handles paint.
UPDATE: Didn't buy the new brush...the size I wanted was way out of my budget possibilities. Another day!